Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mere Mortals Promo Image- work in progress

Figured I would chart process that goes behind the development of a Mere Mortals promo image. First one I've done for the comic and I Figured I should as Saturday's release date is looming. When coming up with the sketch I was stuck trying to decide on the pose. At first I was going to do a homage cover of Amazing Fantasy #15, but decided not to do that one just yet. So instead I went with a more original route and done a set of poses in which the characters show their fandom. Here is the first sketch-
Mere Mortals promo image sketch

Nothing to this one, I'm basically laying out the pose and including the weaponry  for Cliff and Jim to wield. I decided that Jim should carry Thor's Hammer and Captain America's shield. The shield didn't make it to the sketch for the fact I didn't have a circle to trace to get the proper shape. I included the Iron Man movie t-shirt as I wanted to add elements of Iron Man to the sketch to complete Marvel's Big Three. Now for Cliff I had a more difficult time coming up with his weaponry due to DC characters not carrying much, or my mind was blanking, who knows. So I decided to include Cliff wielding eight power rings. I'm thinking Green Lantern, but it could be all eight. I also included Wonder Woman's bracelets, Batman's Utility belt and Superman's Shield to the shirt to give the complete DC Trinity. 

Now the next level
 Mere Mortals promo image phase 2

So I go from the standard copy paper and transfer over to drawing paper. Here I plan to ink the image. Also since I added Cap's massive shield I will add Iron Man's gauntlet to Jim's right arm to make up for the lack of Iron Man in the sketch. Not much different about the sketch other than the shield and slightly re-detailed face of Cliff. I am now playing around with a Masthead/Logo for the comic and you can see the first draft in the corner. I think I like it. Expect this to be ink sometime in the next few days. 

Check back later for the inked image and hopefully the URL for Mere Mortals over at Comic Genesis. The first strip just needs to be inked. I am considering doing lettering by hand or digitally. Not sure there. 

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