Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mere Mortals 001- Free Comic Book Day

Click to enlarge

Well here it is folks, Mere Mortals Strip 001. Right now it's currently hosted on this blog while I await verification over at Comic Genesis. Should be up and running by the time Strip 002 is set to go online. Well I guess I should have some commentary on the comic. This strip was the most complicated of the first few strips since it has so many things going on in the background. Also I need to work on my lettering and find my darn ruler. Can't draw a straight line to save my life. Overall I am pleased with this comic and I think the next few strips will continue to get better. 

See you all Wednesday for Strip 002 and hopefully a webcomic site.


  1. Congrats!
    Is this going to be ongoing?

  2. Thanks and yes it will be. The first arc will take a month with updates on Sunday and Wednesday.
